About Us https://www.voicesinthewilderness.info/index.php/about-us/9-essentials Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:11:25 +0930 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb manxlad2@gmail.com (Voices in the Wilderness) Accompanist https://www.voicesinthewilderness.info/index.php/about-us/9-essentials/89-accompanist https://www.voicesinthewilderness.info/index.php/about-us/9-essentials/89-accompanist Our current accompanist is Emma Knights.

itechsystems@bigpond.com (Super User) Essentials Sat, 20 Nov 2021 12:08:08 +1030
Musical Director https://www.voicesinthewilderness.info/index.php/about-us/9-essentials/83-musical-director https://www.voicesinthewilderness.info/index.php/about-us/9-essentials/83-musical-director RichardBlackWhile completing a Science Degree at Adelaide University Richard discovered a passion for singing under the inspiring direction of Hilary Weiland in the Adelaide University Choral Society and began lessons with Norma Hunter. He was soon invited to become a member of the highly acclaimed Adelaide Chamber Singers directed by Carl Crossin OAM, and in 1994 moved to Sydney to join Australia's pre-eminent professional vocal ensemble, The Song Company under Roland Peelman AM – a position he held until 2017. 

In Sydney he became a member of the professional choir of St James’ Church, King Street for eighteen years, and a founding member of both ACO Voices and Cantillation, with whom he recorded numerous CD’s and film scores. More recently he has been a member of the chorus in Bach Akademie Australia and many of Pinchgut Opera’s performances and recordings. 

Richard has appeared as a soloist for The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, Salut! Baroque, Australian Baroque Brass, The Sydney Consort, Adelaide Baroque and many of Australia’s university, church and chamber choirs. With a keen interest in early music, its transcription and historically informed performance, he has also formed, directed and sung in two vocal ensembles: Renaissance Men and Chroma. His twin passions for early music and science have informed a keen interest in tuning systems and historical temperaments.

Richard’s full-time work with The Song Company saw him touring overseas and interstate on a regular basis. Their work combined a busy schedule of concerts in most of Australia’s capital cities and many of its regional centres, with an education program spanning all levels and ages – performing a vast range of repertoire from mediaeval chant and renaissance polyphony to contemporary, classical and popular music. 

Now back in South Australia Richard is singing and teaching, and increasingly, conducting and directing a number of choirs, while still maintaining connections with various ensembles in Sydney.

itechsystems@bigpond.com (Super User) Essentials Fri, 07 May 2021 15:39:31 +0930
Repertoire https://www.voicesinthewilderness.info/index.php/about-us/9-essentials/29-repertoire https://www.voicesinthewilderness.info/index.php/about-us/9-essentials/29-repertoire Most of our music is a cappella for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass (SATB) choir. We draw largely from renaissance and medieval music and gospel. You may download songs recorded by Voices in the Wilderness from our Recordings web-page. File sizes are large, (~4-6Gb) so those of you with wireless broadband accounts may rapidly exceed your internet data allowance. Please note that practice recordings and sheet music are no longer accessible to the public.

itechsystems@bigpond.com (Super User) Essentials Fri, 26 Jun 2015 18:30:41 +0930
Rehearsals https://www.voicesinthewilderness.info/index.php/about-us/9-essentials/19-rehearsals https://www.voicesinthewilderness.info/index.php/about-us/9-essentials/19-rehearsals st johns thumb9.30 to 11.30am Friday mornings during school terms at St Johns in the Wilderness Anglican church, 379 Halifax St, Adelaide, followed by a non obligatory coffee afterwards at a nearby cafe.

itechsystems@bigpond.com (Super User) Essentials Tue, 16 Jun 2015 01:51:09 +0930
Come and see us https://www.voicesinthewilderness.info/index.php/about-us/9-essentials/18-come-and-see-us https://www.voicesinthewilderness.info/index.php/about-us/9-essentials/18-come-and-see-us If you like choral music, either accompanied or a cappella, and wonder what style of music we sing, view our Recordings menu to download and listen to songs in our repertoire.If you are interested in seeing us perform, keep an eye on this webpage to get info on our next gig.

Prior to the dreaded covid-19, we often performed at St John's in Halifax Street Adelaide, and at a few other locations. We are definitely worth coming to see because we all love singing, we sound great, and... we are charming and fun and generous!

itechsystems@bigpond.com (Super User) Essentials Tue, 16 Jun 2015 01:50:32 +0930
Concert Attire https://www.voicesinthewilderness.info/index.php/about-us/9-essentials/17-concerts https://www.voicesinthewilderness.info/index.php/about-us/9-essentials/17-concerts What to Wear - 
We have no uniform, but wear any combination of red, white and/or black for performing, with a black folder for sheet music.A touch of flair and sartorial finesse are welcome!

When to Arrive -
Unless otherwise negotiated, we arrive for performances half an hour early to warm up. 
Performance Standard -
We want everyone in the choir to feel welcome to perform, and we want our performances to be a proud celebration of the work we have done, to share with our audience. Of course choristers who haven't been to rehearsals leading up to a performance may not be secure. Please have a chat with the musical director if you are in this situation.
itechsystems@bigpond.com (Super User) Essentials Tue, 16 Jun 2015 01:49:20 +0930
Choir Subs. https://www.voicesinthewilderness.info/index.php/about-us/9-essentials/16-choir-subs https://www.voicesinthewilderness.info/index.php/about-us/9-essentials/16-choir-subs Choir subscriptions are used to pay our Musical Director, Richard Black, and our accompanist Emma. The subs are $80 per term, to allow us to employEmma, and as our numbers grow, subs will reduce accordingly. All appreciate the enormous benefit an accompanist brings. Subs are due at the beginning of each term, and members are asked to pay their account online. Our treasurer (The lovely Ela!) may offer alternative payment options to those with no internet access.

itechsystems@bigpond.com (Super User) Essentials Tue, 16 Jun 2015 01:48:19 +0930